Monday, April 6, 2015

Verbs of Saying


Shopping is one of my favorite hobbies. I love buying things for myself, but I also enjoy purchasing items for other people. When I walk into a store with the goal of buying a present for another person, whether it is a family member or a friend, I contemplate what type of gift would make them happy. I always try to purchase something that I know the person would like rather than if I like it myself.  Since the weather is getting nicer as we move into spring, I decided to go shopping for some new spring clothing this week. At the start of a new season, it always feels good to find a new outfit appropriate for the change in weather. When I went shopping this week, I purchased two new dresses made out of a lighter material that are perfect for the warmer temperatures that spring will bring. I am definitely looking forward to wearing these dresses in the coming weeks as the weather gets nicer!

hobbies (noun)-activities or interests done for pleasure
goal (noun)- end or aim
contemplate (verb)-to think about deeply
purchase (verb)- to buy
season (noun)-a period of the year characterized by changes in weather or temperature
outfit (noun)-set of clothes worn together

Vocabulary Exercise
Please fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word.

1. Fiona’s _________________ include reading, sewing, and playing basketball.
2. My favorite ___________________ is fall because I love when the leaves change color.
3. Claire bought a new ___________________ to wear to her friend’s birthday party.
4. I need to ___________________ a new headlight for my car.
5. During math class, the students__________________ how to solve the difficult problem on fractions.
6. The _____________of the game is to reach the finish line first.

Grammar Point
There are four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. 
1) Declarative sentences make a statement and end in a period (.).
2) Interrogative sentences ask a question and end in a question mark (?).
3) Imperative sentences give a command or request and end in a period (.).
4) Exclamatory sentences express strong feeling and ends in an exclamation point (!).

In each of the following sentences identify the type of sentence and add the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.

1. Christine went to the beach
2. Park the car in the driveway
3. I cannot wait to go to Ireland this summer
4. Do you know what time it is
5. Matt painted his room blue

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is a joyous holiday which I spend with my father’s family each year. On Easter morning, I attend Mass with my family, and then we go out to eat at a restaurant for an early dinner. The highlight of Easter in my family is the traditional egg hunt. Each year, two members from each family (my dad is one of four siblings) participates in the egg hunt. The week before Easter, my grandmother colors a dozen eggs, and the previous year’s winner hides the eggs in my grandmother’s house.  After Easter dinner we return to my grandmother’s house for the egg hunt to commence. My family is very competitive, so the egg hunt is taken very seriously. Members of my family roll on the floor to look under tables and couches and also stand on chairs to look on ceiling fans and air conditioners. The egg hunt is over when all 12 eggs have been found. Whoever found the most eggs is the winner and will hide the eggs for next year’s hunt. This year the hunt ended in a tie with my aunt, my cousin, and I all finding 3 eggs. My aunt and I graciously let my cousin be named the winner since she has never won before.  She will hide the eggs next Easter. I love spending Easter with my family and enjoy the traditions that we participate in each year.

joyous (adjective)- full of joy and happiness
highlight (noun)- important event
hunt (noun)- a search to find something
dozen (noun)-group of 12
commence (verb)- to begin
competitive (adjective)- strong desire to win
graciously (adverb)-willingly or kindly

Vocabulary Exercise
Match the vocabulary word with the appropriate antonym (word meaning the opposite).

1. ____commence                                                    a. unhappy
2. ____hunt                                                              b. to end
3. ____competitive                                                   c. unwillingly
4. ____graciously                                                     d. unambitious
5. ____dozen                                                             e. unimportant event
6. ____highlight                                                        f.  ten
7. ____joyous                                                            g. give up searching

Grammar Point
 Prepositional phrases modify nouns and verbs. Prepositional phrases consist most simply of a preposition and an object of the preposition. Some common prepositions that I used in my post are on, for, to, in, and with. The prepositional phrases from my post include of my family, for the egg hunt, and in a tie.

Complete the following sentences by adding a prepositional phrase.

1. The car _________________________________ was red.
2. The dog ran _____________________________.
3. Please look for the boat ___________________________.
4. The shop ________________________sells the best fudge.

5. I went to the movies __________________________. 

Stress Release

Having a full time teaching job, going to graduate school, and maintaining a private tutoring business puts a lot of stress on my daily life. Although I enjoy teaching as well as going to school, at times I need to find time to remove myself from the structured events of my day. The way I have found to best relieve my stress is by going to fitness classes at the gym where I belong. My two favorite classes are Zumba and yoga. These two classes are very different, but both offer ways for me to let go of all my stress. Zumba is a high-energy cardio workout that incorporates dancing and fitness with upbeat music. I really enjoy this class because I feel like I am dancing for an hour, and I love to dance! Yoga is a much more slow-paced, relaxing workout. When I practice yoga, I feel at peace, and all my worries and concerns fall away. Through stretching and mediation, my mind focuses on the moves I need to hold and is no longer bothered by any problems or troubles I had encountered in my day or week. I think it is important for everyone to find their own ways of relieving their stress. Holding on to stress can make you sick, both mentally and physically. Attending Zumba and yoga classes at my gym give me the positive endorphins to rid myself of stress.



structured (adjective)- clearly defined organization
relieve (verb)- to reduce or ease pain or anxiety
Zumba (noun)-fitness program combining dance with aerobic routines performed to popular, usually Latin-American, music
yoga (noun)- mental and physical exercises to reach spiritual enlightenment
practice (verb)-to repeat or perform frequently
concerns (noun)-worry or anxiety
endorphins (noun)- hormones that reduce pain and produce happy feelings

Vocabulary Exercise
Match the vocabulary word with the correct synonym.

1.____ Zumba                                                     a. positive hormones
2. ____practice                                                    b. worries
3.____yoga                                                          c. dance-inspired fitness class
4. ____endorphins                                               d. diminish
5. ____concerns                                                   e. organized
6. ____relieve                                                      f. mental and physical fitness class
7. ____structured                                                 g. carry out regularly

Grammar Point
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. There are seven coordinating conjunctions that can be remembered by the acronym FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Fill in the following sentences with an appropriate coordinating conjunction.

1. Deserts are hot and dry, _______________ some plants grow there.
2. Richard might go to the movies, ____________ he might stay home.
3. Our family went on vacation, _______________ we visited the Washington Monument.
4. Laura wants to go to Paris, ________________ she does not have enough money.
5. Sabrina runs every day, ___________ she wants to stay in shape.